1. We were given Dr. Santucci as an original cardiologist at RUSH Presbyterian in Chicago. She truly loves Matthew and has followed his progess even here in Utah. Her help has been amazing.
2. The modern technology used to diagnose his condition. In another age or time, Matthew would have been dead a long time ago.
3. Chrissy's bed rest. Even though it stunk royally then, they kept her on nifedipine and in hind sight this drug probably helped Matthew's heart intrauterine.
4. The time of our life that it happened. I was in fellowship and I had a lot of support at the hospital. I also was able to be very involved in his care because I was on months of research.
5. At that time in Chicago we also had access to the best health care in the world. We got second and third opionions from Children's hospital of Wisconsin and Children's Memorial Hospital in Chicago.
6. Amazing friends and family in Chicago that love and have supported Matthew from the beginning.
7. Bishop Haydock who knew that Matthew was going to survive and that he had a mission to fulfill here on earth.
8. Dr. Santucci called on a random day about 5 days after we had been discharged. It was a Friday night and even though it was late, she wanted to see him. By the time Chrissy arrived at the Hospital he had declined so much that I thought he was going to die. He was admitted directly to the ICU and that started a 4 month hospital stay.
9. The support of his brothers. Joshua and Luke have been absolutely awesome with their brother. They have pushed and pulled and put up with all of his special needs.
10. Dr. Ilbawi and Dr. Poliminokis who allowed Matthew to live for 2 and 1/2 years with his natural heart.
11. All of the nurses at RUSH. Especially Deb. She spent countless hours teaching us how to take care of a fragile baby. She was the bomb.
12.Omar Lateef.
13. My co-fellows. There was never a better group of fellows ever assembled.
14. Our proximity to the hospital in chicago and the free parking because I worked there.
15. Our time in AZ. Indirectly, we were able to afford Chicago because of the money we made there.
16. To be continued . . .